Tuesday, July 24, 2007

So today was supposed to have been game day, unfortunately due to a combination of illness (On my part) and scheduling difficulties (On some of their parts.) led to a day of watching Angel instead, oh and some John Cusack in The Contract.

Since Live Journal is down, I am publishing this here.

Started my work on the D20 Star Wars campaign, even though in all likelihood it will be a one shot on our parts. Depends on how well I can get the others sold on this. I know they'd like it, but right now scheduling is such a bitch. Estes and bishop work in food service, so of course their schedule is shit.

3278 had personal commitments today, for which I can't blame him-after all somethings do take precedence over gaming. (Few.) (Very few.) (I mean life and death shit.) (Like Red Dawn serious is what we're talking here.)

On the Shadowrun front I am happy with how the game is progressing so far, but again scheduling is sucking. We just got started and now we're stalled. A least until next week.

On the personal front I took Drama C to the park today and let her swim for a few hours. She had a blast, and it was fun watching all the kids play. Tried calling the kids tonight, but the exwife was unreceptive to letting them calling back apparently, since it's been 3 full hours since I called them, and she said they were out playing.

Well more sneezing now.

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