Friday, November 18, 2011

So Blogging isn't my forte right?

So my group is plying tomorrow in a game I'm pretty psyched about. Obviously, like usual, a lot of it won't even get touched because I way over plan, way over detail. But I like that. The creative process is so much fun. Seeing how the interact with what I created will be fun.

I just wish we could play more. I have so many stories I'd like to tell. To create. Someday.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

So shortly I'll be off to play a few games of A&A mini's, and maybe some magic, or something. I'm a little upset at a few minor things right now-but I'll get over it. Been reading Falkenberg's Legion, which is a great series of books. Felt guilty about not working overtime this morning, but we can't work every day. Can we?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Oh yeah, I have a Blog right? So after an average day at work here I sit watching L&O:SVU with my beautiful wife.

So I'm on day shift now, which means I get up every morning at about four in the morning. It's quiet in the house when I get up, usually everyone's asleep. (Sometimes my wife, who you'll notice I rant and rave about quite often, is awake to make me breakfast or lay out uniforms for the day for me.) It's weird but I've sort of become accustomed to it. The silence. The quiet. I sort of like it. In fact, I've become quite the antisocial fuck in my aging years. I'm not trying, actively, to refuse the company of other people...but yeah i guess I am.

Day shift is a different world in my line of work. Not only is the work itself different-I mean sure it's the same, but it's not. What really makes the shift for me is the people. It's hard to accurately describe, because there are good people on second shift, and third-but frankly it's just a different attitude on day shift. A better climate in my opinion. The people just seem to have more invested in not just the job, but each other.

As things get worse inside, it's good to have a crew of rough necks to back me up!

On the game front things have slowed down considerably. I've shifted gears as a result, and in part because I've lost some of the spark that made me game. I can't blame any single person, or factor. It's all added up. So instead of confronting it head on, I'll do a lot of what I do in my personal life-unfortunately. I'll get passive aggressive. I'll defer to make everyone but my own whims, and good judgment. I'm hoping to put my group back together, slowly but surely.

Each of my core players know that I'm there for them, in game and out.

On a less serious note I've taken a real liking to Axis and Allies Miniatures. It's a great game, I love playing it. I'll get a lot less of it than I want. But not for a lack of effort. If I'm lucky, Kain and I will get to throw some down on a regular basis. (And like that a quick Google talk conversation later it looks a quick game is set up for tomorrow!)

Well I'll try to post more often to this blog.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

So today was supposed to have been game day, unfortunately due to a combination of illness (On my part) and scheduling difficulties (On some of their parts.) led to a day of watching Angel instead, oh and some John Cusack in The Contract.

Since Live Journal is down, I am publishing this here.

Started my work on the D20 Star Wars campaign, even though in all likelihood it will be a one shot on our parts. Depends on how well I can get the others sold on this. I know they'd like it, but right now scheduling is such a bitch. Estes and bishop work in food service, so of course their schedule is shit.

3278 had personal commitments today, for which I can't blame him-after all somethings do take precedence over gaming. (Few.) (Very few.) (I mean life and death shit.) (Like Red Dawn serious is what we're talking here.)

On the Shadowrun front I am happy with how the game is progressing so far, but again scheduling is sucking. We just got started and now we're stalled. A least until next week.

On the personal front I took Drama C to the park today and let her swim for a few hours. She had a blast, and it was fun watching all the kids play. Tried calling the kids tonight, but the exwife was unreceptive to letting them calling back apparently, since it's been 3 full hours since I called them, and she said they were out playing.

Well more sneezing now.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Why is it that when some people fervently believe in ghosts or when they follow commanding ‘voices in their head’, these people are treated as delusional, crazy or even psychopathic? These people are given medical treatment and brain-chemical balancing drugs in order to manage their mental illnesses. Yet when people profess the most intense beliefs in certain other things no one has ever really seen, such as demons, Allah, God, angels, heaven, hell and so on, these people are treated with the greatest of reverence and social respect and even made into leaders and wise gurus who become rich from the donations of their faithful followers!

What is the difference here? The fantasies and delusions are equally foolish whether it’s the belief and obedience to a psychotic voice in the head or an imaginary deity residing in some magical place no one can see. Religious beliefs should be placed in the same class as mental sickness or any other serious psychological disorder that degrades the quality of life and the individuals’ ability to deal with reality.

One of the fundamental (but understandable) flaws with modern psychology is its assumption that sanity is defined using the mental character of the majority as a benchmark. But this standard isn’t really objective, it’s subjective and merely based on a relational comparison that is used incorrectly to define an aberrant standard for mental health. Just because many people believe in something that doesn’t make it valid, and just because a lie is repeated a billion times that doesn’t make it any more truthful than it was to begin with!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Words harder than steel.

In this post I announce the opening of my blog, and my intentions.

Now to get some intentions, and something interesting to say!!